Accreditation & Non-profit Status
We are a fully internationally accredited, non-profit Pre-K to 12 school.
NIS is fully committed to external accreditation with the most highly regarded US, European and Asian based organisations. This requires NIS to reflect on practice and to maintain the excellence of our academic programme in line with the highest international standards. NIS is the only international school in Nanjing to be accredited by CIS, WASC, and the IB. Our school was recently accredited by WASC in July 2022. NIS was previously accredited by NEASC for over 15 years.
What is the difference between accreditation and affiliation?
Accreditation requires successful completion of a stringent and demanding standards-based process of evaluation. Affiliation is simply membership of an organisation. An example is that with WASC accreditation, our NIS High School diploma is accepted by all US universities as a compliment to the IB Diploma.
What are Our Accrediting Organisations Saying About NIS?
Living Our Mission
"It is clear that the guiding statements (mission, vision, and values) of Nanjing International School are enacted. Whether it be in the classroom, in the playground, or community outreach, the guiding statements clearly underpin all that is done for the students in this school community aspiring for excellence.
The school leaders and community have developed a clear, strong strategy and guiding principles that drive decision-making. The concepts of community, diversity, inclusion and compassion (essential to nurturing inquiring, knowledgeable, and caring young people) permeate and frame the work of all members in the school community."
CIS, WASC, and IB 2023 Re-Accreditation Report
An Inclusive Learning Community
"Inclusion is at the heart of the school's identity. From admissions to graduation and beyond, the school is committed to inclusion which transcends simply meeting the learning needs of every student but extends to embracing diversity and consolidating a sense of belonging…The community believes that opportunities should exist for all learners to grow and achieve. All students have the right to realise their full potential. This belief embodies the school’s mission and helps drive its ongoing strategy."
CIS, WASC, and IB 2023 Re-Accreditation Report
Our Learning Spaces
"Learning spaces are designed and used in innovative and flexible ways to reflect student needs and interests. This was highly evident from the existing and planned purpose-made spaces such as the Hutong, designated learning support spaces, classroom furniture, multipurpose auditorium, the Centre, the Early Years spaces, the Design and Arts Centres, and the HUB."
CIS, WASC, and IB 2023 Re-Accreditation Report
Teaching and Learning
"Through classroom observation it was evident that high-quality teaching and learning was being implemented across the stages through the school. In addition, recognition of this is shown, as evidenced through the December 2022 CIS Community Survey results, that 92% of teachers agreed or strongly agreed that NIS puts its definition of high-quality learning into action.
The NIS Mission and Strategic Policies ensure that all students may benefit from the school’s programme, by identifying their learning needs, both at admission and while enrolled. Through GCD, JEDI, Discover China Trips, and the IBDP Core community connections, and curricular elements NIS places great value on global citizenship and intercultural learning."
CIS, WASC, and IB 2023 Re-Accreditation Report
Student Well-Being
"NIS has several strengths in promoting student well-being, child protection and safeguarding, and physical and mental health. The school prioritizes positive, supportive, and culturally sensitive environments, where student voice and choice are critical. NIS encourages a community approach to support student well-being, and the school's inclusion policy and JEDI Change Taskforce foster trust and positive relationships between students and teachers. The school also ensures the physical and mental health of all enrolled students, with a team of five full-time counselors and a qualified school nurse. Additionally, NIS has clearly documented and effectively implemented policies and procedures relating to child protection and safeguarding, with a designated Child Protection Officer and Deputy Child Protection Officer, annual training, and a commitment to responding to all child protection and peer-to-peer related allegations."
CIS, WASC, and IB 2023 Re-Accreditation Report
A Non-profit School
Nanjing International School is the only independent, nonprofit international school in Nanjing, meaning all our resources go into providing the best teachers, the best facilities, and the best opportunities for our students. We are owned by our parents.
All tuition fee payments are for the entire use of the school to benefit our students and their learning. This makes us unique amongst international schools in Nanjing. Since NIS is self-funded, all building projects, including loans, are paid for from tuition fees. NIS is not part of an American or British school group business run for profit to the benefit of overseas and Chinese owners or investors. We are totally independent, and so do not fund an overseas business development office which then dictates what we do. That is why we can hire the finest teachers from anywhere in the world, build a world-class campus, and provide the best technology and resources for learning.
Our International School Annual Reports
We are proud to present our school's Annual Reports. These reports are part of our commitment to our parents and community to be transparent about our use of finances and our authentic status as an independent, non-profit school.
We are an inclusive learning community. Inclusion is at the heart of who we are, as a school and as an international community.
NIS is governed by a volunteer board of elected trustees that is guided by the best interests of our students, parents, and staff.
We don't just want to follow our mission and award-winning strategy. We want to bring them to life.