Technology at NIS plays a key role in supporting our mission as an inclusive learning community, with all students connected to the internet via our wireless campus network on their personal devices. As a Bring Your Own Mac (BYOM) school, students in Grades 5-12 work in a one-to-one Mac laptop environment. In Grades 2-4, we use iPads in a one-to-one (or one-to-few) blended learning experience.
Our IT Department, which houses our IT HelpDesk and Mac service centre, is a hub of action in the middle of the school serving the needs of students, parents and teachers. It is also one of the more convenient places for students, parents and staff to purchase Apple devices and accessories needed for school (and personal use) from our Apple Authorized Reseller.
Artificial Intelligence
We believe that leveraging AI is an accelerator toward Mission-aligned teaching and learning at NIS. Learn more about our approach to AI and browse resources designed to help our parents, students, and educators navigate the dynamic landscape of artificial intelligence in education.
Design and Technology
Throughout the school students have access to a variety of digital and analog technology, from our Secondary Design Centre which has a professional-level studio for filming and recording, to our Primary Design Pit where students are introduced to coding and working with hand tools at an early age. The final products developed by students of all ages in this blended learning environment are impressive.
Digital Citizenship Philosophy
When interacting with digital technology on the NIS campus, teachers and students are encouraged to reflect on our Digital Citizen Philosophy and keep their habits kind, helpful, and safe.Our digital citizenship philosophy provides a guiding framework for integrating technology effectively into teaching and learning, ensuring that it aligns with NIS goals and values while promoting responsible and meaningful use of technology among students and staff.
Child Protection
Child protection is of the upmost importance as it ensures the safety and well-being of their students. By prioritising child protection, schools not only fulfill their legal obligations but also create an atmosphere conducive for learning and overall development.
Primary School
In our Primary School, structured inquiry takes place from Early Years to Grade 5 as the main vehicle for student learning in relevant, real-world contexts. Through experience and discovery, our students have countless opportunities to grow.
Secondary School
Our Secondary School focuses on the unique learning needs and developmental characteristics of adolescents and teenagers. Here they transition into higher level learning that will support them through diploma study and beyond.